Saturday, October 29, 2011

Issues remaining from Roth's "Hebrew Gospel" book

Kee, Howard Clark. Review of Hebrew Gospel: cracking the code of Mark, by Wolfgang Roth. Journal of Biblical Literature, 109 no 3 (Fall 1990): 538-539.

According to Howard Clark Kee's 1990 review of Roth's Hebrew Gospel: cracking the code of Mark, these areas are poorly covered and have yet to be resolved (at least by 1988 when Roth wrote this book):
  • inadequate attention to Mark's apocalyptic nature (Mk 13, and the demonic confrontation)
  • the issue of redefining the people of God is virtually ignored
  • Jesus and the Temple is misrepresented. Roth states that reestablishing the Temple is an aim of Jesus', but this is not apparent (acc. to Kee) in Mark's gospel
  • no attention given to the fact that most of Mark's engagement with the OT actually comes out of LXX, not MT. (So there may be a need for closer attention to verbal/language-level connections)
  • DSS are not explored

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